Amazing Athletes PE

Amazing Athletes PE is a dynamic physical education program designed to introduce children to a variety of sports and physical activities while enhancing their motor skills, coordination, and teamwork. Through engaging exercises and fun games, kids develop
important life skills like sportsmanship, focus, and self-confidence. Our program fosters a love of fitness and supports the development of healthy habits that last a lifetime.
Program Type Youth
Program Subcategory Sports
Program Code -
Online Registration Yes
Enrollment Begin Date 1/22/2025
Enrollment End Date 4/11/2025
Amazing Athletes
Gender Any Gender
Enrollment Minimum 5
Maximum 15
Grade Minimum
Age Minimum 5 years Enforced - As of date 4/15/2025
Maximum 10 years 0 months Enforced - As of date 5/13/2025
Residency Restriction Resident Only
Membership Restrictions -
Amount $75.00
Residency Restriction NonResident Only
Membership Restrictions -
Amount $85.00
Tuesday - 04/15/2025
Start Time 6:45 PM
End Time 7:30 PM
Location Burkett Upper Field (Daniel P. Tallon Mem. Field)
Tuesday - 04/22/2025
Start Time 6:45 PM
End Time 7:30 PM
Location Burkett Upper Field (Daniel P. Tallon Mem. Field)
Tuesday - 04/29/2025
Start Time 6:45 PM
End Time 7:30 PM
Location Burkett Upper Field (Daniel P. Tallon Mem. Field)
Tuesday - 05/06/2025
Start Time 6:45 PM
End Time 7:30 PM
Location Burkett Upper Field (Daniel P. Tallon Mem. Field)
Tuesday - 05/13/2025
Start Time 6:45 PM
End Time 7:30 PM
Location Burkett Upper Field (Daniel P. Tallon Mem. Field)